Being Beautiful Inside and Out, Authentically: The Truth and the Journey Behind It

Yesterday, I hugged one of my dearest friends goodbye and told her, “You are beautiful inside and out.” She’s this vibrant, passionate Italian woman from Naples, standing tall with so much spirit. Her inner glow makes you feel safe and happy just being around her. Those big, bright blue eyes and her elegant, feminine silhouette complement the beauty that shines from within.

But getting to that place, even for someone as remarkable as her, wasn’t easy. Real inner beauty—one that radiates through every smile and interaction—takes time and effort. It’s much harder than any cosmetic procedure or makeover. And people notice it right away because being around someone who is truly beautiful on the inside feels… good.

beautiful inside and outside - calessia jewelry
Being Beautiful Inside and Out, Authentically: The Truth and the Journey Behind It 3

The Journey to Inner Beauty: Harder Than It Looks

My friend’s story—and mine, too—teaches a truth we all know deep down: No one has a perfect life. Every person who glows from within has been through their share of struggles. We’ve all had to work through fears, discover who we are, and build our sense of self.

The key ingredient, though, is consciously choosing to be happy—again and again, every day. As Dr. Joe Dispenza puts it, when we change our inner state, our brains and bodies follow. Inner beauty, which fuels outer radiance, starts with intentionally practicing joy, presence, and authenticity.

Letting Go of Expectations: The Hardest Part of the Journey

Being beautiful inside and out often means letting go of societal expectations—which is rarely easy. It requires breaking free from the need to fit in, surpassing feelings of inadequacy, and learning to be comfortable with who we are. Sometimes, that journey involves facing rejection, overcoming judgment, or letting go of shame. True beauty begins where discomfort ends.

This is especially true for those of us who weren’t born with a supermodel physique. Building beauty from within means embracing flaws, leaning into discomfort, and learning to shine through it all.

What the French Taught Me About Inner Beauty

One of the things I love about French culture is its emphasis on inner strength, authenticity, and personal initiative. That same day, after spending time with my friend from Naples, I stayed with a close French friend in Venterol. She’s tiny and full of energy, someone who lives life with intention and focus. Watching her navigate her day with such ease and efficiency was truly inspiring.

At one point, she kissed a friend goodbye with the traditional three kisses on the cheek—and then she laughed, saying, “I kissed your ear!” She made a potentially awkward moment feel lighthearted and charming, and I couldn’t help but admire how genuine she was.

This same French friend is the perfect example of beautiful inside and out. She’s endured a lot—tough moments, personal losses—but she still radiates grace. She cooks, studies Chinese medicine, and never hesitates to take on new challenges. It’s clear that her inner beauty comes from a continuous commitment to self-growth and inner work. And the result? She’s beautiful inside and out, in a way that feels authentically French.

Enhancing Outer Beauty with Meaningful Accessories

While inner beauty is essential, outer beauty can also benefit from small touches that express who we are. One of my favorite ways to do this is through jewelry. One recommendation I always give is to pick pieces that are both stylish and practical—like our waterproof necklace.

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Being Beautiful Inside and Out, Authentically: The Truth and the Journey Behind It 4

It’s a simple, versatile accessory that stacks beautifully and brings an effortless touch of elegance to any look. It’s a small thing, but it can make you feel just a little more beautiful on the outside.

Thank you for reading.

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