The history of a jewelry brand: how to build an online jewelry store

If you’re dreaming about starting an online jewelry store, let me share how I got here, and maybe my journey will inspire you to take the leap too.

Hi, I’m Alecsandra Casian, the owner and founder of CALESSIA Jewelry, a leading online jewelry store in the French Riviera. Jewelry, elegance, and a touch of sparkle have always been my passions. This article is about how my online jewelry store came to life, and I hope it will be helpful for those thinking about starting their own online jewelry store.

cocktail attire jewelry from calessia online jewelry store
The history of a jewelry brand: how to build an online jewelry store 3

The Beginning of My Online Jewelry Store Passion

I have to start from the very beginning for full context. I was 13 years old when my mother wanted to open a clothing boutique. At that young age, I was already obsessed with jewelry and constantly begged her to include jewelry in the store. Eventually, we began sourcing more jewelry—partly because I wanted to keep some for myself! To our surprise, the jewelry started selling faster than anything else in the boutique. During holidays, we even had long lines of people waiting outside the store, eager to buy our pieces.

By the time I was a teenager, I was the “queen” of jewelry at our boutique. I loved interacting with customers, learning to recognize different materials like crystals, silver, gold-plated pieces, and stainless steel. This experience led me to the idea of taking our boutique’s success online. I wanted to create an online jewelry store for the beautiful pieces we were selling in the physical shop.

And guess what? It worked. It was the early days of Facebook and social media, so we were able to build an online presence quickly. Our online jewelry store took off, becoming known all over the country.

Iconic Silver Sterling Bracelet – product image – online jewelry store
The history of a jewelry brand: how to build an online jewelry store 4

Growing a Brand

One day, a friend of a friend told me, “Calessia, huh? That rings a bell. My coworkers always order tiny jewelry pieces from your store and get so excited when the package arrives!” This was one of those moments when I realized our brand had grown beyond just my mom and me—it had become a household name.

But life is rarely smooth. After dealing with personal challenges like family separation and other difficulties, I realized I couldn’t continue working in the jewelry industry without feeling inspired and healthy. CALESSIA Jewelry took a pause, and I pursued a career in digital marketing.

A New Chapter: Combining Jewelry with Digital Expertise

That break led me to where I am now. Today, I combine my passion for jewelry with my extensive digital marketing experience, which I’ve gained through various projects. If you search for “Calessia” on Google, you’ll find two things—CALESSIA Jewelry and CALESSIA Digital. The digital agency is a reflection of my branding expertise, which I’ve applied across both ventures.

How Long Does It Take to Build an Online Jewelry Store?

How long did it take to build CALESSIA Jewelry into the online jewelry store it is today? More than 15 years—and to be honest, it’s still evolving. This journey reminds me of a LinkedIn post I saw from a woman celebrating her 55th birthday, reflecting on how age brings rewards like success, accomplishments, and, most importantly, self-confidence.

Speaking of self-confidence, CALESSIA took another pause around 2020 when I faced personal struggles, including narcissistic abuse and a severe lack of self-esteem. But that’s a story for another time and another platform.

My Recipe for Building an Online Jewelry Store

If you’re serious about starting your own online jewelry store, here’s what worked for me:

  1. Passion: Without a genuine love for what you’re doing, it’s hard to succeed. For me, that passion was jewelry.
  2. Time, Energy, and Money: Running an online jewelry store isn’t easy. It demands dedication, resources, and a lot of learning along the way.
  3. Digital Marketing Knowledge: Understanding how to navigate the online world, from SEO to social media, has been crucial to my store’s success.
  4. Support System: Friends and family who believe in you can make a huge difference, whether they’re offering advice, opinions, or financial support.
  5. Courage and Endurance: Building a business comes with countless challenges. It’s important to remain strong and committed, even when things get tough.

The Best Part of Running an Online Jewelry Store?

Jewelry, of course! I’ve always had, and will always have, an endless supply of gorgeous pieces. My friends are constantly admiring my jewelry choices, and honestly, I love showing them off. I can already imagine myself at 90, wrinkled and fabulous, still rocking bold jewelry and long earrings!

Thank you for reading, and I hope my story gives you the inspiration you need to start your own online jewelry store.

With love,
Alecsandra C.

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